刚刚结束一次危险任务的津海市缉毒大队队长张雷(孙红雷 饰),在医院意外见到因车祸入院治疗的香港人蔡添明(古天乐 饰),身经百战的张队迅速判定蔡与毒品勾当有关。通过对蔡的审讯得知,有一车来自粤江的冰毒当天抵达津海,即将和当地的贩毒分子哈哈哥交易,而蔡正是双方联络的中间人。为保住性命,蔡添明积极配合,协助张队伪装成粤江赫赫有名的大毒枭黎振标的侄子与哈哈碰头。随后缉毒大队一路南下,途经蔡在鄂州的毒品加工厂,并最终抵达粤江与黎振标交易。周旋在狡猾凶狠的犯罪分子中间,任是经验丰富的张队也必须步步为营,小心应对。   经过一番凶险的试探,双方终于迎来交易的最后时刻,但此时这盘杀机四伏的棋局也全然失去了控制……

After losing control of his car and crashing into a local restaurant, a man loses consciousness on the street. Later, while working on a case, the police's anti-drug division captain, Zhang Lei (Honglei Sun), realizes that the man in the crash is drug lord Tian Ming (Louis Koo). In order to avoid the death penalty, Tian Ming helps the police put a stop to the entire drug trafficking circuit, but just as soon as the police are ready to make a large bust, Tian Ming makes a decision that shocks everyone involved.


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