Elizabeth's heart is broken. For solace, she drops in late at night a few times at Jeremy's diner for blueberry pie a la mode; they talk. Once, he watchers her sleep, her head on the counter. Abruptly, she leaves New York City to get away from her pain. She works a couple of jobs in Memphis. There, a heart-broken cop is drinking himself into oblivion, his ex occasionally showing up where he drinks and Lizzy works. Then, she's in Nevada, working at a casino where she uses her savings (she wants a car) to stake Leslie, a busted gambler, in a high rollers' game. After, Beth drives Leslie to Vegas where Leslie's estranged father lives. Broken relationships. What about Jeremy?
王菲的腿被锯了十厘米。真正的爱情很俗,但不是俗人可以理解。。在心碎与幸福之间,距离有多远-------说白了这片子就是一个摆脱失恋的完美教程。《蓝莓之夜》:这次墨镜有点俗。不就过条街嘛。《蓝莓之夜》:其实距离很近,只是我们走得太远。假装从来不认识王家卫。蓝莓之夜.英文台词.节选。王家卫星球的一道阳光 - 《蓝莓之夜》。关于自我的一次救赎。
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