故事发生在闭塞的山区之中,韩冲(王紫逸 饰)为了捕猎设置了炸药,哪知道这炸药没被动物踩到,却被同村的腊宏(余皑磊 饰)给踩了个正着。炸药爆炸了,腊宏身受重伤,最终不治身亡,留下了可怜的哑巴妻子(郎月婷 饰)和一双儿女。 经过全村人民的商议,韩冲决定赔钱将这件事情私聊,可是哑巴媳妇却似乎对赔偿的金额完全没有兴趣,整天疯疯癫癫胡言乱语,大家都认为,丈夫的死对于这个女人来说打击过大,她疯了。无奈之下,韩冲只得背负起了照顾母子三人生活的责任,在此过程中,他渐渐发现了哑巴媳妇的温柔可爱之处,两人渐渐走到了一起。
Set in a remote village, the story begins with the sudden death of a husband and father whose family is new to the village's tight-knit traditional community. In the aftermath of that tragic event, the villagers come to know and understand the man's widow, a mysterious mute with a story to tell and the power to tell it wordlessly. Based on the novel of the same title by Ge Shuiping.
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