The daughter of an actor father and a social-climber mother, Domino Harvey, bored with her life, decides to join the team of Ed Moseby and becomes a bounty hunter. But she gets in trouble when the Mafia's money is stolen from an armored truck, while Moseby and his crew are participating in a reality show produced by Mark Heiss. The situation gets out of control when the sons of a rival mobster are kidnapped while the FBI is monitoring two gangs of mobsters.

别样人生。Domino中的音乐。“正面,你就活;反面,你就死”。。现实世界的Domino Harvey。难看。本来没什么内容的故事,却想剪得精彩。看了1/3。大剂量的迷幻剂。Domino不是粉红保镖。mtv+骇客+西部片?。

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