素贤(李美淑 饰)有一个美满的家庭,10岁大的儿子聪明可爱,丈夫是名事业有成的建筑师。纵然生活富裕不让素贤苦恼,但她的内心却感到了生活的苦闷。这时候,素贤妹妹的未婚夫宇因(李政宰 饰)出现了在她的生活中。这名比素贤小10岁的男孩子深深吸引住了素贤,宇因也对素贤有极大的好感,两人渐渐了解多了之后,竟然坠入了爱河,可是宇因即将要跟素贤的妹妹结婚了。   他们将如何面对各自的丈夫与未婚妻呢?

A woman in her late thirties, married to an architect in Seoul, with one brattish son and a life in dire need of a service, is asked by her sister, who lives in America, to help her fiancé find an apartment. He is 11 years younger, tall, serious and attractive. She begins to look forward to their journeys. He does more. He recognizes something that she has long forgotten - her beauty and sensuality. Their affair follows a recognizable route from sexual excitement to anguish and guilt.

《情事》:恨不相逢未嫁时。情事。快乐无罪。生命不能承受之轻。《情事》:让这一段爱情,镌刻在化石里。三十八岁的女人没有爱情天堂。时间过得太快,犹如大雨冲走泥泞……。情事: 自然如水,热烈如火。爱情,没有错的。那些自我与自由。

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