菲利普(山姆·克拉弗林 Sam Claflin 饰)和自己的表兄阿姆布罗斯(迪诺·布加迪 Deano Bugatti 饰)之间的关系非常的好,两人经常来往。一天,菲利普震惊的收到了阿姆布罗斯的死讯,菲利普不相信这一切仅仅只是一场意外这么简单,于是决定亲自前往阿姆布罗斯留下的那豪华的别墅里去一探究竟。 在那里,菲利普遇见了表嫂蕾切尔(蕾切尔·薇姿 Rachel Weisz 饰),菲利普怀疑这个美丽且恶毒的女人为了继承丈夫的巨额遗产而谋杀了他。但在两人朝夕相处的过程里,菲利普渐渐爱上了风情万种的蕾切尔,慢慢的打消了疑虑。可这一切对于蕾切尔来说意味着什么呢?她脑袋里的算盘没有人知道。
Philip, an orphan, was taken in and brought up by his cousin Ambrose, a Devon landowner he loves like a father. At a time, Ambrose, who has been advised by his physician a warmer climate, leaves for Tuscany. There he meets and marry Rachel, a half-Italian cousin of his. After an idyllic outset, the situation deteriorates. Shortly before his death, Ambrose manages to alert Philip: his wife is killing him slowly. Willing to sort out the truth, Philip goes to Ambrose's place but he does not find Rachel, who has gone away. Instead he meets Rainaldi, her friend and lawyer, who does not inspire him with confidence. He returns to his estate, persuaded that Rachel is evil and is the direct cause of Ambrose's death. Some time later, Rachel announces her coming. Determined to welcome her coolly, he is stunned to discover a woman not only beautiful but elegant, intelligent and sensitive. Instead of strangling her like he said he would, he falls in love. Madly.
没活成你想爱的样子,不是我的错。你以为你在给,其实你在要。。男主太渣,极度自私。浮生梦|My Cousin Rachel: 不要和年下谈恋爱的些许理由。本来以为是把自己卖了还帮人数钱,结果是疑邻偷斧。《浮生梦》。《浮生梦》爱一个人能达到怎样的程度?。可怜的女主,。被美丽所迷惑的代价 方汉君。一厢情愿的爱情才是让人甘之如饴的毒药。
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