Unlucky, clumsy, charming Marseile PD detective Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec must assist worse-than-Clouseau commissioner Gibert guarding a Belgian criminal reputed as dangerous as - and caged like Hannibal Lector. Émilien's cool friend, taxi driver Daniel Morales, initially only agrees to babysit both their buddy-sons, as Émilien's wife Petra is away on top-secret mission. But soon the Belgian escapes, and while chasing him the mates stumble on a bank robbery and a drug king's palatial villa, where the grand finale reeks havoc.
日渐疲态的终极杀阵/Taxi系列。該完畢了...。这部也能叫TAXI???。是该到了GAME OVER的时候了。法国幽默不幽默。《的士4》:滑稽剧和平民英雄。烂。还是taxi了吗?。今天刚看了Taxi4。局长才是猪脚。
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