60年前,前所未有的“不眠症”袭向这个世界。无法睡着的人们在精神上一个接一个的生病。自杀、严重的暴力事件也因此频频发生,而变成一个重大的社会问题。虽然状况随着新药剂的开发,而渐渐的安定下来。但因为药剂有副作用,也因此造成20亿人的发病,间而诞生「嗜血种」这样的新生命体。之后,“嗜血种”与人类之间的战争爆发,   虽然最后以人类方的胜利收场,但是残留下来的嗜血种却还是存在于这个世界上….。最终,人类凭着人造血液及被称为“D-GPS”的嗜血种管理系统,来保障嗜血种的生存权利。   这个故事,是在人类与嗜血种共存为日常生活的舞台上进行的。

Also called Time Prisoners, this is based on a Chinese webtoon by Bai Xiao. It's an alternative world where people researched and found the cure for a mysterious sleep-deprivation sickness where people became mad 60 yers ago. Those people who were treated are now wearing a black collar who produces a dangerous side-effect: they become vampires. However, this story will take a more grave situation when these vampires/bloodivores start to be menaced by some mysterious Special Forces.


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