
类型:未知 地区:土耳其  年份:2017 

男主是名杀手,专业杀人;女主是名医生,专业救人。某日,因为一场阴谋,女主被男主挟持。将死之际,女主被告知与男主结婚可免一死。为了活着女主同意了,然而她不知道,真正的战争,才刚刚开始。 @沙拉特字幕组

Ferhat a cold-blooded, emotionless and cruel man who is a shooter for his uncle and has a wounded past.Asli, is a naive female doctor who wishes to serve humanity. An unforgettable love will be experienced with these two contrasting characters. Black and white as opposed to the love of the opposite characters will encounter a full of adventure.


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