又是新的一年,格雷格·赫夫利(扎克瑞·戈登 Zachary Gordon 饰)顺利升上7年纪,以算作老鸟的他将目标锁定在和他同班的明星女孩霍莉·希尔斯(佩顿·利斯特 Peyton List 饰)身上,为了引起对方的注意他真是想尽一切办法。另一方面,格雷格跟哥哥罗德里克(戴文·博斯蒂克 Devon Bostick 饰)的关系却日趋紧张,乖张罗德里克抓紧一切时机捉弄弟弟,令他们的母亲苏珊(Rachael Harris 饰)大为光火。苏珊想尽一切办法要改善这对冤家兄弟的关系,而在这一过程中自然也闹出了不少的笑话。新的学年,新的故事,小屁孩的日记如期上演……   本片根据美国作家杰夫·金尼(Jeff Kinney)的同名畅销儿童系列读物改编。

Greg and Rodrick don't get along, and his parents are fully aware of that. In order to help them get along, Greg's mother introduces Mom Bucks, which rewards them for getting along. But Rodrick isn't the only problem. He has to deal with any conflicts involving Holly Hills, as well as other embarrassing situations. Will Greg and Rodrick get along?

I'd like to consider this as the best gift for Children's Day ever。小屁孩,在长大。亲兄弟的叛逆和母亲完美的舞姿。小屁孩的成人世界。抓住了一条线索果然流畅很多。纪念我独自一人的童年。催人泪下的喜剧。原著党飘过。Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules。哥哥好邪恶...弟弟号萌。

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