华裔青年德里克·李(Derek Lee 饰)发现自己患了严重的疾病,从小热爱旅行的他决定不再浪费时间,他和担任电视制片人的好哥们克里夫·普劳斯(Clif Prowse 饰)一拍即合,两人决定进行为期一年的全球旅行,期间会将旅行中的点点滴滴录下来传到视频旅行博客上,和全世界的同好共享。起初一切顺利,谁知旅行的第七天发生了变故。德里克在巴黎搭上了一位美女,结果却被敲头,身上满是鲜血。在此之后,种种异状开始在德里克身上发生,他一连数日昏头大睡,在太阳下面颊出现烧伤症状,接着又变成可以打碎石头、狂奔超过摩托的超人。   诡异的旅程,遥遥没有尽头……

Best friends Derek and Clif set out on a trip of lifetime. Their plan: travel to the ends of the earth, see the world, and live life to the fullest. But the trip soon takes a dark and bloody turn. Just days in, one of the men shows signs of a mysterious affliction which gradually takes over his entire body and being. Now, thousands of miles from home, in a foreign land, they must race to uncover the source before it consumes him completely. Footage meant to be travel memories may now become evidence of one of the most shocking discoveries ever captured on film...and perhaps will be their only postcard home.

伪记录片版的华裔《刀锋战士》成长记!。夜店姑娘不要信 珍惜身边好机油!。其实蛮不错的~。反约炮电影。如果吸血鬼遇到僵尸会怎样?。2017年12月08日。非常不错的吸血鬼题材电影。小本电影。恶心罪恶版假漫威英雄?!。吸血鬼第一次走进华裔。

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