Messiah explores the lines among religion, faith and politics. It chronicles the modern world's reaction to a man who first appears in the Middle East creating a groundswell of followers around him claiming he is the Messiah. Is he sent from God or is he a dangerous fraud bent on dismantling the world's geopolitical order? The story unfolds from multiple points of view, including a young CIA agent, an Israeli Shin Bet officer, a Latino preacher and his Texan daughter, a Palestinian refugee and the media, among others.

第六集的一点笔记。奈飞开年神作。剧透!剧透!!剧透!!!。我看到的结局似乎和大家评论的不同。MESSIAH 第八集解读(上)。拥有信仰我们可以做什么,失去信仰我们是什么。MESSIAH第三集解读。MESSIAH第一集解读。一切都只是面对,救赎?原罪?无罪?。我不知道弥赛亚再来是什么时候,只有父神知道。

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