柯克船长(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)和企业号的船员们来到了银河系中未知的一个区域,开始完成他们5年的任务——探索新世界,寻找新物种。却在途中滞留异星,遭遇了当地种族追杀,他们必须找到方法离开这个星球。

After stopping off at Starbase Yorktown, a remote outpost on the fringes of Federation space, the USS Enterprise, halfway into their five-year mission, is destroyed by an unstoppable wave of unknown aliens. With the crew stranded on an unknown planet and with no apparent means of rescue, they find themselves fighting against a ruthless enemy with a well-earned hatred of the Federation and everything it stands for. Only a rebellious alien warrior can help them reunite and leave the planet to stop this deadly menace from beginning a possible galactic war.

我实在是受不了了!能不能别这么侮辱我的智商!。50年,这部科幻剧集依然活着。『死理性派』告诉你,看星际迷航前必须知道这些事!。我好像走错了片场。你只要继续向前走就是了。越来越商业了。星际迷航的一些基本设定。非常感谢。古典音乐鉴赏。吐槽:Good Explosion, Bad Action——奈何苏鲁打酱油。

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