20世纪初,抗生素尚未发现,一场外科手术就有可能让人丧命,萨克雷医生就是在这种环境下不断挑战医疗边界。在电影台最新发布的这组官方海报中,我们将看到一批围绕在他周围的迷人角色,片中的血腥场面是家常便饭,让观众可以直击当年的医疗现实。   当史蒂文·索德伯格( Steve Soderbergh )决定告别影坛时,他或多或少地也表示过,不断攀爬电影高峰的几十年来,他付出了很多,也收获了很多。但这位电影人同样也不惧挑战,看起来电视界为他提供了一个更好的机会,能够通过一个更宏伟、更大胆的框架讲故事,其中的余地和自由是在好莱坞电影工作室享受不到的。不过这仅仅是索德伯格这部即将在电影台( Cinemax )播出的新剧《尼克病院》( The Knick )令人期待的原因之一。

A look at the professional and personal lives of the staff at New York's Knickerbocker Hospital during the early part of the twentieth century. Every day they must deal with lack of funding, personal conflicts, egotism, racial tensions, personal vices, drug addiction, affairs, closed minds, dated nigh-medieval medical techniques and them and their experimental new techniques being misunderstood by most, in order to keep the hospital going and give the ill the help they need. The pressure is enormous and leaves its mark on the souls of most of them.

疯了的尼克病院。看开头我就乐了。。。现代医学的“一将功成万骨枯”。美国才是最大的尼克病院。so charming, so insane——医学编年(ba gua)史。医学史拾贝。索森博格的“美好”电视剧——《尼克病院》,管窥20世纪医学与美国社会。追剧一时爽,看完好绝望。看了这个,医闹什么的都是浮云。写在春季阵雨天。

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