Maggie Peyton is the new owner of Number 53--the free wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own; she puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor. As a third generation member of a NASCAR family, racing is in Maggie Peyton's blood, but she is forbidden from pursuing her dream by her overprotective father, Ray Peyton, Sr. When Ray Sr. offers Maggie a car as a college graduation present, he takes her to a junkyard to choose one from an assortment of very used cars. Maggie has her eye on an old Nissan, but a certain rusty, banged up '63 VW Bug seems to be clamoring for her attention. To her surprise, Maggie leaves the lot with Herbie. As she prepares to leave town for a position with ESPN News, Maggie discovers that Herbie has a mind of his own--and an alternate route for her future.

闲侃电影中的汽车业。甲壳虫的超级广告。Lindsay Lohan。05年生日在电影院看这片子过的。情节虽老套,不过不拖沓。没想到竟然是部新片子。轻松的故事,但不会让人感觉到闷!。又一部励志电影。开始有点喜欢甲壳虫汽车了。蛮搞的。

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