在枪案频发的芝加哥,保罗原本是一个温文儒雅仁心妙手的医生,拥有一个幸福美满的家庭。一场突如其来的厄运让他的妻女惨遭暴徒欺凌,女儿昏迷不醒,爱妻更因此丧失生命,与他天人永隔。然而,城市里连串的凶案让警方束手无策,种种原因使得保罗的案件无法结案,本应受到制裁的凶徒逍遥法外。 在崩溃和绝望中,保罗的人生价值观彻底改变。为了替家人复仇,保罗决定孤身寻凶,主动出击,单枪匹马在城市街头制裁暴力犯罪。警方和大众对这位伸张正义的神秘“帽兜男”众说纷纭,争论不休。在“守护天使”的外衣下,保罗最终迎来了和仇人的生死决战。
Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is a surgeon who only sees the aftermath of his city's violence as it's rushed into his ER -until his wife (Elisabeth Shue) and college-age daughter (Camila Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home. With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts for his family's assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grabs the media's attention, the city wonders if this deadly avenger is a guardian angel...or a grim reaper. Fury and fate collide in the intense action-thriller Death Wish.
布鲁斯出场还要啥自行车。住在电影中这座犯罪之城的真实体验。有布鲁斯威利斯的禁枪话题。哪怕家里没wifi,也不能没有枪。翻旧帐之《虎胆追凶》:同样是救人,用枪比用手术刀更直接,但……。适合消遣看看。以暴制暴—听起来很爽。老铁确实是稳。《猛龍怪客》 布魯斯威利的斜槓人生。虎胆追凶。
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