如果,樱花掉落的速度是每秒5厘米,那么两颗心需要多久才能靠近?   少年时,贵树(水橋研二配)和明理(近藤好美配)是形影不离的好朋友,可很快,一道巨大的鸿沟便横亘在两人中间:明理转学,贵树也随着父母工作的调动搬到遥远的鹿儿岛。在搬家前,贵树乘坐新干线千里迢迢和明理相会,在漫长的等待后,茫茫大雪中,两人在枯萎的樱花树下深情相拥,并献出彼此的first kiss,约定着下一次再一起来看樱花。   时光荏苒,两人竟再没见过,虽然在人海中一直搜寻彼此的身影,但似乎总是徒然。再后来,他们分别有了各自的生活,只是还偶尔会梦到13岁时的这段青涩而美好的感情,才明白当年怎么也说不出口的那个字就是爱。

Takaki and Akari are two classmates in elementary school. During their time together they have become close friends. Their relationship is tested when Akari moves to another city because of her parents' jobs. Both of them struggle to keep their friendship alive, as time and distance slowly pulls them apart. When Takaki finds out that he is moving further away, he decides to visit Akari one last time.


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