米兰妮(蒂比·海德莉 Tippi Hedren 饰)是一个富家女,偶然在宠物店里遇见律师米契(罗德泰勒Rod Taylor 饰),二人萌生爱意。第二天米兰妮带着她的一对宠物鹦鹉到访米契居住的波德加湾小镇,却被一只海鸥袭击,当场受伤。然而谁也没料到,这次鸟袭击人的事件,只是鸟类大规模攻击人类的小序幕。   米兰妮留在镇上疗伤,这里鸟语花香,生活本来平静,她还认识了米契的家人和前女友,于米契的感情也渐渐升温,但是鸟类的出没对他们生活的骚扰程度也渐渐升级。这些鸟聚集的越来越多,黑压压的一大片,被它们攻击至伤甚至至死的居民日渐增多,这个小镇陷入一片疯狂的鸟灾当中。人们恐惧接近崩溃,如何赶快逃脱这个恐怖的地方,成了他们迫在眉梢的问题。

Melanie Daniels is the modern rich socialite, part of the jet-set who always gets what she wants. When lawyer Mitch Brenner sees her in a pet shop, he plays something of a practical joke on her, and she decides to return the favor. She drives about an hour north of San Francisco to Bodega Bay, where Mitch spends the weekends with his mother Lydia and younger sister Cathy. Soon after her arrival, however, the birds in the area begin to act strangely. A seagull attacks Melanie as she is crossing the bay in a small boat, and then, Lydia finds her neighbor dead, obviously the victim of a bird attack. Soon, birds in the hundreds and thousands are attacking anyone they find out of doors. There is no explanation as to why this might be happening, and as the birds continue their vicious attacks, survival becomes the priority.

“他是个不要脸的混账东西!”。看希区柯克的《群鸟》,从剧情结构出发说些什么。鸟叫下的阴霾。《群鸟》:那个不可理喻的冷战对手。《群鸟》:希胖的「恶趣味」。关于《群鸟》那些你不知道的事。怎么样来设计“悬念”。恐怖片形式的《上帝创造女人》。希区柯克与蒂比·海德莉的恩怨情仇。群鸟:The Birds。

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