单纯天真的少女陈慧(郭奕芯 饰)被卷入了艾玛(鲍康儿 饰)和其男友的纠缠不清的关系之中难以脱身。绮雯(许雅婷 饰)希望男友家洛(麦子乐 饰)能对自己用情专一一生不变,于是打算在身上纹一个拥有催情改运功能的纹身。谁知道纹身师阿森(张建声 饰)和老婆珍妮(蒋祖曼 饰)将绮雯当成了他们的猎物,绮雯被卷入了一场精心策划的阴谋之中还不自知。   打小就喜欢听各种恐怖故事传说的大学生忠仔(陈家乐 饰)带着妹妹小茹(简淑儿 饰)来到当地著名的鬼屋打算一探究竟,谁知道真的撞上了一对已经腐烂多时的尸体,敏敏之中,一条隐秘的线索将种种异象串联到了一起。

The movie features three ghost stories set in Hong Kong, beginning with Vivian, who, after moving into a new place, gets involved in spooky incidents with her neighbors. The next story follows Scarlet, who unknowingly receives a tattoo with sinister secrets. The final story is about a group of university students, who awaken the vengeful spirits of a dead couple while live-streaming their ghost hunting expedition.


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