故事发生于1934年的美国得克萨斯州,臭名昭著穷凶极恶的抢劫犯邦妮和克莱德越狱成功,重新开启了他们的杀戮之旅。在典狱长李(约翰·卡洛·林奇 John Carroll Lynch 饰)的建议之下,州长马福格斯(凯西·贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)找到了已经退隐江湖的德州骑警弗兰克(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)和曼尼(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),委托他们讲暴徒捉拿归案。   弗兰克和曼尼已经十几年没有见过面了,让弗兰克感到震惊的时,曾经意气风发的搭档,如今沦落成为了一贫如洗的酒鬼。弗兰克逐渐打消了和曼尼合作的念头,但是,对于曼尼来说,这个案子是他想要摆脱生活这个烂摊子的最后一次机会了。

The outlaws made headlines. The lawmen made history. From director John Lee Hancock (The Blind Side), THE HIGHWAYMEN follows the untold story of the legendary detectives who brought down Bonnie and Clyde. When the full force of the FBI and the latest forensic technology aren't enough to capture the nation's most notorious criminals, two former Texas Rangers (Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson) must rely on their gut instincts and old school skills to get the job done.


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