In 1930's Hollywood, the powerful agent, Phil Stern, is attending a party and receives a phone call from his sister living in New York. She asks for a job to her son and Phil's nephew, Bobby, who decided to move to Hollywood. Three weeks later Phil schedules a meeting with Bobby and decides to help him. He asks his secretary Veronica "Vonnie" to hang around with Bobby, showing him the touristic places. Bobby immediately falls in love with Vonnie, but she tells that she has a boyfriend, a journalist that travels most of the time. However, Vonnie's boyfriend is indeed a married man that is also in love with her and soon she has to make a choice between her two loves.

后来,我们不知如何去爱。。Timing is everything in life.。與電影與紐約的訣別書。伍迪艾伦的朱砂痣与白月光。看话唠导演怎么拍对话。《咖啡公社》爱别人不长久,自恋才是永恒。得不到的永远在骚动。满目山河空念远,不如怜取眼前人。伍迪·艾伦与世界的和解。伍迪艾伦在《咖啡公社》中的人性哲学解读。

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