该片被认为是向男权社会发出抗争的女性主义电影代表作。   生活在沉闷与琐碎家务中的家庭主妇赛尔玛(Geena Davis)与在某间咖啡厅做女侍应生的闺中密友路易丝(Susan Sarandon)对平凡的生活与工作产生厌倦后,结伴一起外出旅游散心。路上,在某家酒吧外的停车厂, 赛尔玛险遭无名男子强暴,幸好路易丝及时赶到,拔枪将该男子射杀。惊慌失措的两人掉头逃亡,自此踏上不归路,过程中两人性格均有了很重大的改变。

Louise is working in a diner as a waitress and has some problems with her boyfriend Jimmy, who, as a musician, is always on the road. Thelma is married to Darryl who likes his wife to stay quiet in the kitchen so that he can watch football on TV. One day they decide to break out of their normal life and jump in the car and hit the road. Their journey, however, turns into a flight when Louise kills a man who threatens to rape Thelma. They decide to go to Mexico, but soon they are hunted by American police.


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