唐时大月国王子乌力罕(乌日根 饰)逃到狄道避难,得到狄道兵马使李存山父女的帮助以及卧龙寺高僧索南坚教化,并由此放下仇恨精心修行,不想篡位的叔叔葛格尔并未放过他,还在伺机杀他灭口,被逼无奈的乌力罕逃回大月国着急父亲的旧部复国成功,却又因为爱人李晨轩(夏晴 饰)的离去而迁怒大唐,起兵攻占狄道,险些误将自己的儿子杀死,最后还是在索南坚“以身噬虎”的精神感召下重新认识了自己,将大月国交给大唐,自己回到卧龙寺出家修行。

Tang King's son Uli Otsuki rare (Wurih ) fled to refuge in Didao, get horse so help Cunshan daughter of Lee and the monks Sonam Wolongsi Kennedy enlightenment, and thus to lay down the hatred careful practice, you do not want usurper uncle Ge Geer did not let him, still waiting for an opportunity to kill him to silence, were forced to flee to the big rare Uli anxious father's old unit on the country Zionist success, but because love Lichen Xuan (Xia Qing) Datang departure anger, revolted captured Didao, almost killed his son by mistake, and finally at Sonam Kennedy \"In body bite tiger\" in the spirit of re-acquainted themselves large on the country to Datang, Back Wolongsi monk himself.


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