
类型:悬疑  地区:日本  年份:2019 

佐原卓子(米仓凉子 饰)是一名经验丰富的律师,在职场上如狼似虎的她常常为了获得胜利而不择手段。一天,同行原山正雄(津川雅彦 饰)找到了卓子,将自己手上的一个案子委托给她,被告是名叫白河球磨子(黑木华 饰)的女人,她被警方控告杀死了自己的丈夫福太郎(中村梅雀 饰)。   在一场车祸中,福太郎不幸遇难,而球磨子死里逃生。虽然球磨子一再强调这场车祸只是单纯的意外,但警方还是在车中找到了沾有福太郎血液的扳手,而一再撒谎耍赖的球磨子也被冠上了恶女之名,遭到了社会舆论的强烈声讨。直觉告诉卓子,球磨子是无罪的。

When her husband dies in an accident, everything seems to point to Shirakawa Kumako being his killer, and she is referred by the media as "ghost bear" since she seems to be the worst woman in the world. Her lawyer is Sahara Takako, a so-called cold-hearted woman lawyer who always tries to seek the truth with every necessary method, sometimes these methods are illegal. Was Kumako really the killer? Sahara Takako tried to find the truth throughout all the mist around the case and Kumako herself.

《疑惑》版本考据 兼论社会派推理。看得我也疑惑了?。《疑惑》双女主配置改编的过去和现在。两位女主演技好呀。

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