电影人杜惠彰(杜汶泽 饰)在某大学讲座期间,应学生之请讲述了自己为电影事业一次最惨痛最不堪回首的牺牲经历:作品不上台面的杜和老婆离婚后时时被追讨赡养费,助理刘倩儿(薛凯琪 饰)超级不靠谱搞丢新片企划。落魄之际,好友雷永成(雷宇扬 饰)牵线认识广西富二代暴龙哥(郑中基 饰)。面对乖戾变态的暴龙哥,阿杜做出几乎让自己大脑断片失忆的惨烈牺牲,总算获得对方投资的承诺,但是他必须请来早已收山明星邵音音(邵音音 饰)拍摄咸湿大作续集。在此之后,他说动邵,又网络男主角叶山豪(叶山豪 饰)、模特徐家欣(陈静 饰)以及导演黑仔达(邹凯光 饰)等人加盟。   万事俱备,只欠东风,然而状况意外接二连三,杜监制面临从业来最大的危机与挑战……

To (Chapman To Man-chak), a long-time film producer, has yet to produce anything resembling a hit. Beset by financial troubles, he has become desperate for money - so much so that he is unable to pay the alimony to his ex-wife (Kristal Tin). Despite his former spouse's bitterness, their daughter still clings onto her faith in him - and wishes to see him on TV once his new movie premieres. To is soon introduced to a potential Mainland Chinese investor, Tyrannosaurus (Ronald Cheng), by his buddy Lui Wing-shing (Simon Loui Yu-yeung). But Tyrannosaurus is not only the head of a Guangxi triad gang, he turns out to have very particular tastes in food and sex. Regardless, To is determined to woo this investor, even if it means giving into his every demands. Tyrannosaurus eventually tells them to cast his childhood idol Yum Yum Shaw (Susan Shaw) in a remake of a classic pornographic film. He even gives the film the title Confessions of Two Concubines. After receiving funding from Tyrannosaurus, To then successfully casts the sexagenarian Shaw to act in Confessions of Two Concubines, with pseudo-model Tsui Ka-yan (Dada Chan), famous for her oral skills, acting as Shaw's younger body double. He also casts Hiro Hayama (Hiro Hayama), who is currently suffering from an incurable phobia after starring in his last erotic film, to be the lead actor. Things begin to turn awry when director Blackie Tak (Matt Chow) makes unreasonable changes to the original script, which results in the production going seriously over budget. Even more bizarrely, Tyrannosaurus makes a special request to have his girlfriend play a role in the film. But his girlfriend is no ordinary gal, thus resulting in plenty of madcap mayhem as everything soon goes out of control... As a last-ditch attempt to save the film, and also to fulfil his daughter's wish, To plans to publicly confess all the weird, outrageous and vulgar practices that went into the process of making Confessions of Two Concubines.

对彭浩翔保持敌意。这部电影非常的牛欢喜。沒有本土不本土,只有好看不好看。拍给香港观众的低俗喜剧。為本土,爆多句粗。有創意無驚喜的彭氏低俗文化。低俗喜剧。從《低俗喜劇》透視港產片的焦慮 ( 转帖 )。彭浩翔:其实我真的是放弃唔到三级片。斋爆炸,唔射。

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