
Frances Farmer, a precocious Seattle teenager, takes unpopular social and political positions, to the mixed reactions of her parents. Frances becomes an actress and has some strong success in New York, but her refusal to bend her convictions and her outspoken (but sometimes naive) political expressiveness cause her difficulties, especially after she accepts a Hollywood contract. Torn between new-found success and intense feelings that she does not deserve the riches and fame she gains from the phoniness of Hollywood, Frances butts heads with studio executives and with her own mother, who revels in Frances's fame but provides Frances no emotional support. When drunken fights and arrests derail her career, Frances is sent to a psychiatric hospital with the acquiescence of her mother. What follows is a nightmare of poor treatment and psychological trauma, augmented by the increasing determination of Frances's mother to control her daughter's life.

是清醒的疯着,还是平静的死去。。弗兰西斯·法默:天使还是魔鬼。悲剧的诞生。弗兰西斯--读解(周传基&学习笔记)。寻找客串——HC强迫症最佳自测方式 事关凯文科斯特纳。我感到疼痛。《弗兰西丝》电影剧本。终于明白兰姨为什么这么喜欢和Ryan Murphy合作。《弗兰西斯》的美术设计。影片实例分析 《弗兰西斯》 关于摄影师拉斯罗·科瓦奇(LASZLO KOVAC)。

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