导演Jonathan Caouette的纪录片描述了他的成长以及他的患有精神分裂的母亲——混杂的电影剪辑和拍摄技术呈现了他19年的人生。

Part documentary, part narrative fiction, part home movie, and part acid trip. A psychedelic whirlwind of snapshots, Super-8 home movies, old answering machine messages, video diaries, early short films, snippets of '80s pop culture, and dramatic reenactments to create an epic portrait of an American family travesty. The story begins in 2003 when Jonathan learns that his schizophrenic mother, Renee, has overdosed on her lithium medication. He is catapulted back into his real and horrifying family legacy of rape, abandonment, promiscuity, drug addiction, child abuse, and psychosis. As he grows up on camera, he finds the escapist balm of musical theater and B horror flicks and reconnects to life through a queer chosen family. Then a look into the future shows Jonathan as he confronts the symbiotic and almost unbearable love he shares with his beautiful and tragically damaged mother.

Beijing Bicycle/Tarnation; 十七岁的单车/诅咒。无形的东西被搬上荧幕。20年可以做什么?。如果你来自一个有精神病史的家庭 请拒绝它。

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