身居纽约的人类学家葛瑞拉(Lorraine De Selle 饰)和兄长鲁迪(Danilo Mattei 饰)、好友派特(Zora Kerova 饰)结伴前往亚马逊丛林考察土著的生活习俗。抵达目的地后,他们遇见两个躲避外界追杀的毒贩:麦克(Giovanni Lombardo Radice 饰)和乔(Walter Lucchini 饰)。这两个邪恶的家伙利用当地人帮他们从事毒品生产和交易,稍不顺心便对当地人打骂对待。   正所谓恶贯满盈,善恶有报。麦克因残酷杀害包括土著首领女儿在内的当地人,而激起这群善良人的愤怒。他们拿起武器,对这些入侵的白人展开报复,而葛瑞拉他们也被牵连其中……

Anthropologists take a trip to the jungles of Colombia to study native cannibals. Instead, they find a band of drug dealers, using the natives to harvest coca leaves. After awhile, the natives are tired of being tortured slaves, and turn on their masters, as well as the anthropologists, thus filling the screen with gruesome splatter!


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