26岁的青年安德鲁(扎克·布拉夫 Zach Braff 饰)独自在洛杉矶打拼9年,他志愿成为一名演员,不过时至今日仍默默无名,平常依靠在餐馆打工维持营生。一通电话,将安德鲁带回阔别已久的新泽西老家。多年来,他因某些原因与家人绝少联系,常年服用抗抑郁药物又使得他对周遭的一切都漠不关心,即便如今日,瘫痪多年的母亲意外去世。在故乡,他重新见到身为精神科医生的父亲以及当年的狐朋狗友,一切似乎没变,一切有发生了很大改变。   在父亲的建议下,安德鲁前往医院诊疗困扰自己多时头痛,却在此结识了美丽但有些神经质的女孩萨曼(娜塔莉·波曼 饰),有如死水的绝望生活由此发生了转变……

Andrew Largeman is a semi-successful television actor who plays a intellectually disabled quarterback. His somewhat controlling and psychiatrist father has led Andrew ("Large") to believe that his mother's wheelchair bound life was his fault. Andrew decides to lay off the drugs that his father and his doctor made him believe that he needed, and began to see life for what it is. He began to feel the pain he had longed for, and began to have a genuine relationship with a girl who had some problems of her own.

a nice movie。“世界上有一种专门拆散亲子关系的怪物,叫做‘长大’”。生命中的诺亚方舟。找到爱,找到自己。再生。花园之州 迷途之家。听娜塔莉波曼 笑。。叶叶相向,枝蔓缠绕。一趟面對自我的冷溫調。refreshing。

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