40岁的Erika Kohut(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)表面上是一个优雅的钢琴老师,外形独特、气质出众,但对学生却无比严厉。同时她的母亲专制又无理,无休止的折磨令Erika的各种欲望都无法发泄。于是Erika只好躲在厕所用剃刀伤害自己以求快感,嗅着内裤上的味道以发泄欲望,还去租看色情录像带。当18岁英俊冲动的Walter(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)闯进她的生活时,一切都改变了。他们互相需索互相慰藉,Erika以为她终于找到了自己的幸福,然而年少的Walter有一日厌倦了这种关系……

Erika Kohut is a pianist, teaching music. Schubert and Schumann are her forte, but she's not quite at concert level. She's approaching middle age, living with her mother who is domineering then submissive; Erika is a victim then combative. With her students she is severe. She visits a sex shop to watch DVDs; she walks a drive-in theater to stare at couples having sex. Walter is a self-assured student with some musical talent; he auditions for her class and is forthright in his attraction to her. She responds coldly then demands he let her lead. Next she changes the game with a letter, inviting him into her fantasies. How will he respond; how does sex have power over our other faculties?


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