连环杀人案中失去妹妹的警察泰秀(金相庆 饰)在雨夜潜伏侦查一起肇事逃逸案的过程中,意外抓获了犯案多起的连环杀人嫌疑犯姜川(朴圣雄 饰),而悲剧也由此开始。泰秀意外得知姜川正是杀害自己妹妹的凶手,为了找到妹妹的尸首,泰秀竟跪了下来...而在指认现场的时候,另一个痛失爱妻的男人盛贤(金成钧 饰)悲愤现身......

Tae-soo has been a lazy policeman, but accidentally he runs into Kang-cheon, whose car is covered with blood. Tae-soo suspects the worker to be the serial killer that kills young women for months. But as they can't find hard evidence, Kang-cheon is allowed to go. Short time later Tae-soo's sister is found raped and murdered and the detective knows who's the one to blame. But as he can't arrest Kang-cheon, he is searching for vengeance aside any legal term. On his own private investigations, he meets Seung-hyeon who lost his wife to the killer. Together they wanna see Kang-cheon suffering and dying for his murders.


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