直美( 药师丸博子 饰) 再过几个星期就要去美国了,她的家人雇用了侦探秀一(松田优作 饰)跟踪并保护她,经历了一些事后她逐渐跟秀一熟悉起来,一天一酒店里发生了命案,而最象嫌疑犯的是秀一的前妻,为了找出真凶,直美他们展开了调查。

Naomi is a university student who is leaving for the US to study in a week; Shuichi is a washed-up gumshoe who's hired by Naomi's father to bodygard his daughter until she leaves. Shuichi finds the job annoying and wants to quit. But he also has a screwed-up ex and alimony to pay. Things go from bad to worse when Naomi and Shuichi stumble upon a murder which might involve the yakuza. They decide to find out who committed the murder but God knows what it will lead to.


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