中年男子A(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一个希腊裔的美国导演,他正在拍摄一部关于父母辈爱情的史诗电影:1953年,在苏联政治避难的希腊女子艾蕾妮(Irène Jacob 饰)邂逅失散多年的恋人斯拜罗斯(Michel Piccoli 饰)。他们旧情复燃,一夕恩爱过后却被迫天各一方。斯拜罗斯遭遇牢狱之灾,艾蕾妮则被流放西伯利亚,不久她生下爱人的孩子,然而最终不得不和孩子分离。她思恋着远方的爱人,而犹太人雅各布·列维(Bruno Ganz 饰)则对她情意专属。在剧烈动荡的时代背景下,这三个痴情男女颠沛流离,相逢错过,用尽一生追寻一份真情。生命渺小不堪,真爱永恒……   本片为“希腊三部曲”第二部。

A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in Italy, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA. The main character is Eleni, who is claimed and claims the absoluteness of love. At the same time the film is a long journey into the vast history and the events of the last fifty years that left their mark on the 20th century. The characters in the film move as though in a dream. The dust of time confuses memories. A searches for them and experiences them in the present.

时间的灰烬。我要去远方。无法抖落的时光灰烬。那些死去的,那些离开的。轉貼分享:跨越邊界的永恒旅程 .張翠容。时光之尘 --另一段旅程。忆昔当年情深处。《时间的灰烬》:过境!又过境!。浅谈本片的一些问题。Theo inai akoma o Theo。

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