为了方便找工作,妈领着7岁的相宇(俞承浩饰)去乡下的外婆家,想把他暂时留在那里。外婆(金亦芬饰)年事已高,不能说话也不识字。而一直生活在城市里的孙子相宇,刚开始无法适应连游戏机、电池都没得卖的乡下生活。他开始蛮横地流露出不满,抱怨这个抱怨那。为了买电池,偷走外婆的银头簪拿去卖;外婆得知孙子想吃炸鸡,却只理解到鸡肉,炖了只鸡给孙子吃,却被生气的相宇踢翻了。   老人家默默包容着孙子的一切,渐渐的,相宇也体会到外婆的良苦用心,适应并喜欢上了乡下生活。

Seven-year-old Sang-woo is left with his grandmother in a remote village while his mother looks for work. Born and raised in the city, Sang-woo quickly comes into conflict with his old-fashioned grandmother and his new rural surroundings. Disrespectful and selfish, Sang-woo lashes out in anger, perceiving that he has been abandoned. He trades his grandmother's only treasure for a video game; he throws his food and he throws tantrums. When Sang-woo's mother finds work and finally returns for him, Sang-woo has become a different boy. Through his grandmother's boundless patience and devotion, he learns to embrace empathy, humility and the importance of family.


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