售卖佛像的古董商人坎杰(Paresh Rawal 饰)是个无神论者。他把佛像视为玩具,不明白那些花招百出的宗教仪式,希望把女儿培养成飞行员,把儿子培养成板球球员。古董店寄托着他全部的希望和感情。   某一天热闹的祭祀仪式上,坎杰为了把参与活动的儿子揪回去,开了神的玩笑,被教派的头目警告会遭到神的报应。当天天气突然由晴转阴,且引发了一场地震。其它店铺无一受损,唯有坎杰的店被震的面目全非。本以为投了保险可以挽回损失的坎杰被保险公司告知这属于不可抗力的天灾人祸,不在承保范围内。一无所有的坎杰一纸状书把神告上了法庭。而被告人则是那些借助神灵名义四处捞金的教派头目们。一场看似离奇的官司就这样展开,而神灵(阿克谢•库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)本人似乎也对此事很感兴趣,他隐藏在人群中,来到了坎杰身边,也改变了坎杰对宗教的看法……

Kanji Lalji Mehta, though an atheist, owns a small shop selling religious goods, concocting cock-and-bull stories to extract higher fees from his customers for his wares. When, in openly defying God, an earthquake destroys his (and only his) only source of income, with the insurance company refusing to pay up on the basis of it being an 'act of God', Kanjibhai takes God to the court. With many similarly unfortunate people pinning their hopes to him, Kanji's lack of courtroom experience may leave him unable to prove his point - that is, until approached by a man introducing himself as Krishna Vasudeva Yadav. Krishna helps Kanji win his case, his family and helps him find his faith in God, along the way showing how priests can turn religion into a business and that God can be found everywhere, particularly in a house of worship.

看影片中的三类人:神职人员、信徒和无神论者。一些台词引起的宗教遐想。个人的神性——印度电影《额滴神啊》碎碎念。原题“这部电影完全清澈了我对于一对虔诚母女的困惑~”生命太奇妙,不知说什么好(2016更新 )(2017再次更新)(2019再更)。神作。敬仰天上的神明。长评没空,且要说的都被他人说了,我就点一点没人提到的。我的坎哈我的奎师那。You don't need to believe in God to have faith。简说神佛存在的价值。。

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