本片根据Ronald Harwood的同名戏剧改编,Anthony Hopkins扮演一名年迈多病的演员,Ian McKellen扮演对他忠心耿耿的幕后助手兼化妆师Norman。故事发生在第二次世界大战期间。据称该剧的原型人物就是Ronald Harwood本人——他曾是著名英国演员Donald Wolfit爵士的化妆师。

In the closing months of World War Two ageing actor 'Sir' and his wife Her Ladyship bring Shakespeare to the provinces with a company depleted by conscription. 'Sir' is plainly unwell, discharging himself from hospital and Her Ladyship believes he should cancel his upcoming performance of 'King Lear'. However Norman, his outspoken, gay dresser disagrees and is determined that the show will go on, cajoling the confused 'Sir' into giving a performance - one which will be his swansong, at the same time drawing a parallel between King Lear and his fool as Norman, despite ultimate disappointment, serves his master.

戏。I can't,I won't。生于莎剧,死于莎剧。寄生的诺曼。演员日常。Struggle and survival。只是人生,不过如此。是悲哀还是自作孽。陪伴也无法解决孤独。人生如戏,该落幕时得落幕。

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