少女多岐川魔矢(多岐川裕美 饰)为追查母亲美智子(根岸京子 饰)的死因和失踪父亲的下落,暗中潜入修道院调查。在这里她结识了曾在少管所待过的不良少女石田松子(山内えみこ 饰)等一干好友,她们情投意合,共同反抗院长小笠原绫(森秋子 饰)和副院长松村贞子(三原叶子 饰)的禁欲压迫。   然而,这却是一座道貌岸然的修道院,在上帝侍者的外衣掩盖下,小笠和松村放纵肉欲,从事不乏勾当,对待异己不惜使用残酷的虐待手段,甚至夺取对方的性命。   魔矢几经周折终于掌握了修道院背后的秘密,同时也将自己置身危险之中……

After the mysterious death of her mother, a young woman chooses to enter a convent to find out what happened. As soon as the door closes to the nunnery, the nuns start torturing the woman. Also, the woman has to deal with a God-hating archbishop and a lesbian mother superior.


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