查理(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)和丹(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)不仅是相处多年的老友,还是合作无间的工作伙伴,一起经历了这么多年的风风雨雨,两人之间的友谊真挚诚恳牢不可破。   前妻的突然出现打破了丹平静的生活,因为她带来了两个小鬼头并告诉丹他们是他的孩子。对于这两个小孩,一向糊里糊涂的丹根本就闻所未闻,也无法确定,他们是否真的和自己血脉相通,在混乱之中,两个孩子就这样进入了丹的生活。对照顾孩子毫无经验的丹请来了查理充当“军师”,两个男人、两个孩子和一条狗,会有怎样妙趣横生的故事发生在这个奇特的“大家庭”之中呢?

Charlie and Dan have been best friends and business partners for thirty years and their Manhattan public relations firm is on the verge of a huge business deal with a Japanese company. With two weeks to sew up the contract, Dan gets a surprise; a woman he married on a drunken impulse nearly nine years before (annulled the next day) shows up to tell him he's the father of her twins, now seven, and she'll be in jail for 14 days for a political protest. Dan volunteers to keep the tykes, although he's uptight and clueless. With Charlie's help is there any way they can be dad and uncle, meet the kids' expectations, and still land the account?

一切只为怀念。所有“古老”的桥段都有其存在价值。太老套了。为人父。old dogs。约翰潇洒哥:‘哥不想说哥很酷’。……。挺好笑的。合家欢很有用。老狗跳花灯。

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