里昂(让·雷诺饰)是名孤独的职业杀手,受人雇佣。一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达(纳塔丽·波特曼饰)敲开他的房门,要求在他那里暂避杀身之祸。原来邻居家的主人是警方缉毒组的眼线,只因贪污了一小包毒品而遭恶警(加里·奥德曼饰)杀害全家的惩罚。马蒂尔达得到里昂的留救,幸免于难,并留在里昂那里。里昂教小女孩使枪,她教里昂法文,两人关系日趋亲密,相处融洽。   女孩想着去报仇,反倒被抓,里昂及时赶到,将女孩救回。混杂着哀怨情仇的正邪之战渐次升级,更大的冲突在所难免……

After her father, mother, older sister and little brother are killed by her father's employers, the 12-year-old daughter of an abject drug dealer is forced to take refuge in the apartment of a professional hitman who at her request teaches her the methods of his job so she can take her revenge on the corrupt DEA agent who ruined her life by killing her beloved brother.

SHAPE OF MY HEART。坚忍的魂与隐秘的梦。我以保护的方式来爱你。小萝莉与怪蜀黍阳光灿烂的日子。关于杀手。有关Leon。孤独是人类最大的杀手。假如马蒂达变成洛丽塔。安。为生活开另一扇门。

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