影片将故事设定在一列通勤列车上,一位十年如一日乘坐列车上下班的商界人士麦考利(连姆·尼森 饰),偶遇一位主动搭讪的“神秘乘客”乔安娜(维拉·法米加 饰)。乔安娜为麦考利提供了一个极具诱惑性的任务——找出车上的一位乘客,即可获得一笔巨额现金作为回报。但在寻找的过程中,麦考利逐渐发现自己卷入到一场致命的危险处境中。   他是否能够从这辆“恐怖列车”中成功逃脱,背后又隐藏着怎样的惊天阴谋。随着列车不断加速,真相逐一揭开......

Now a hard-working life insurance salesman and a caring family man, the former police officer, Michael MacCauley, has taken the commuter rail to New York for the past ten years. But, unexpectedly, things will take a turn for the worse, when on one of his daily journeys, the cryptic passenger, Joanna, makes Michael a generous and tempting offer to locate a single commuter or face grave consequences. Is this a sick joke, or is this indeed a serious situation? As Michael races against the clock to solve this wicked conundrum, everyone aboard is a suspect, in a deal where there's definitely more than meets the eye. Can he decide in time who's the one?


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