美国移民Mickey Pearson(马修·麦康纳 饰)成功在英国伦敦建立大麻帝国,发了大财后,他试图将资产转卖给一个美国富豪。然而风声走漏,一连串的阴谋及谎言开始从Mickey展开…私家侦探Fletcher(休·格兰特 饰)用尽各种手段,收集所有Mickey的黑材料,企图从中得利。这时,新崛起的唐人街帮会龙头Dry Eye(亨利·戈尔丁 饰)对Mickey的生意虎视眈眈,最后… Mickey如何保护自己的生意与生命呢?

A talented graduate of Oxford, using his unique mind and unprecedented audacity, came up with an illegal enrichment scheme using the estate of an impoverished English aristocracy. However, when he decides to sell his business to an influential clan of billionaires from the United States, no less charming but tough gentlemen stand in his way. An exchange of courtesies is planned, which certainly will not do without shootings and a couple of accidents.


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