2002年,伊拉克战争爆发前11个月,美军驻伊拉克某军事基地发生奇怪事件,一个监控摄像机录下了诡异影像,更有试图查清此事的相关责任人员或者丧命或者疯狂。军方甚感事关重大,遂请来在这方面具有丰富研究经验的“鬼语者”海莉·桑兹前来调查被他们用特殊手段囚禁起来的“鬼魂”。随着沟通的深入,各种各样奇怪的是接连发生,身边或严肃或鲁莽的军人们着呈现出怪异的举止。这一切的背后似乎隐藏着巨大的秘密,“鬼魂”的真面目也渐渐地揭开神秘面纱……   本片根据真实事件改编。

In 2002, 11 months before the invasion of Iraq, the military captured and imprisoned a supernatural entity at Stormhouse, a secret underground base. This film documents the final four days of that experiment. 'Ghost whisperer' Hayley Sands is brought to Stormhouse by the government to make contact with the captured entity. Her arrival triggers a series of events which lead to the entity's escape, plunging the base into a horrific nightmare.


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