The world's most beloved fairy tales are re-imagined as a dark and twisted psychological thriller set in modern day New York City, the first season of this serialized drama interweaves "The Three Little Pigs," "Little Red Riding Hood," and "Jack and the Beanstalk" into an epic and subversive tale of love, loss, greed, revenge, and murder.

为了反转导致的本末倒置。人性,贪婪,欲望,爱情,复仇什么的自己去看去体会。我只扯点蛋。。。《Tell Me a Story》人物安排及彼此关系故事分析。黑色童话。黑色童话-一部超级慢热美剧。我买了一把甩棍。最后一集坏蛋为什么不绑住姐姐 塑料带这么贵吗。叙事精彩。不知道是不是编剧硬编?狼老师图啥啊。成人的世界都是在对错之间。。

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