大侠齐如丰将为救他而身亡的仆人方诚的儿子方刚(王羽)抚养成人后,欲立其为掌门人,此举引来方刚师兄的嫉妒。追求方刚不成的齐如丰的女儿齐佩联合师兄与方刚比武,却失手砍断方刚右臂,方刚负伤逃离齐家。   只剩左臂的方刚被少女小蛮(焦姣)救下后一度意志消沉,但终在小蛮的鼓励下重获信心,凭借小蛮父亲留下的秘籍《左手图谱》练成“左手神刀”绝技。齐如丰的仇家笑面二郎和长臂神魔将齐的弟子系数杀尽,并囚禁了齐佩和齐如丰。顾及师恩,方刚决意不计前嫌助齐家一力。

An evil gang attacks the Chi school of Golden Sword Kung Fu. One student sacrifices his life to save his teacher and his school, his dying wish is that his son be taken in as a student. Young Fang Kang grows up in the school and treasures his father's broken sword and the memory of his father's sacrifice. The other students (including the teacher's daughter) resent him and try to drive him away. The teacher's daughter challenges him to a fight and when he refuses she becomes enraged and recklessly chops off his arm! He retreats, broken and bloody, and is found by a young poor girl living alone who nurses him back to health. Meanwhile, the evil gang who originally attacked the Golden Sword school develops a weapon that renders the Golden Sword useless and starts killing off all of the schools students. Fang Kang eventually recovers with the girl's help but must now face a life with only one arm. Will he be able to recover and live to defend the school as his father did?

王谢旧时燕,落户徐克家。导演说。随便聊聊独臂刀系列。电影印象之独臂侠客。武侠的开山之作。漫谈《独臂刀》- 完整、准确、不可说。哪里能找到比倪匡更好的编剧。囿于昼夜厨房与爱,不如来看这部武侠经典吧。真正的“残缺”。邵氏武打片•张彻02|既是开始,亦是巅峰。

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