清晨的上海,凯(王力宏饰)在他的船屋中独自醒来。他的女友艾玛(奥利维亚•穆恩饰)离奇失踪,而所有的线索都指向她的手机。在重重迷雾中,凯用艾玛的手机逐步找到她失踪的真相。她去过哪里?她曾联系过谁?她隐藏了什么秘密?她真的是她吗?亦或是其中暗藏着更险恶的事实? 当真相浮出水面,凯才意识到,他的生活中充满不为人知的秘密。

Kai (Leehom Wang) awakens one morning on his Shanghai houseboat--alone. His girlfriend Emma (Olivia Munn) has mysteriously vanished, and all he has to go on is her phone. Deeply disturbed, Kai uses the phone to uncover where she went, with whom she's connected, and what she took with her. Is Emma really who she says she is? Or is there something more sinister at play? As he pieces together the harrowing truth, there are parts of both Emma's life and his own that leave him with some difficult questions, and some unsettling answers.

把广告当电影看,可能也不是一件坏事。二哥和灵蝶拍了一部超牛逼的短片,但是国内没几个人知道。思考总在剧终后。危情生命线 之 恐怖小游艇。人性在悬疑中无限放大,盛大的科技体验,回味无穷。。有着一颗艺术心的商业短片。思考总在剧终后。只谈专业。只聊亮点,无剧透。剧情无槽点,给力宏赞,想要同款手机,酱。

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