
A modern day Irish gangland version of the ancient Irish legend of Diarmuid and Gráinne. Gráinne is daughter of a major crime boss and is promised to marry the great warrior Fionn to help cement an alliance. However, she's in love with Fionn's most loyal comrade Diarmuid and her actions set off a wild chase across the country.

神转折之歌曲。现代版凯尔特神话《The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne 》,故事注定走向悲剧。围绕黑帮之间人物关系叙述的自由爱情故事。不仅关乎追踪,更有对人性的救赎。《追击》:黑帮电影中的爱情童话。《追击》:开拓黑帮片新型格,且看如何末路狂奔。

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