布拉德(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)是一位电台经理,在邂逅了名为萨拉(琳达·卡德里尼 Linda Cardellini 饰)的女子并同她坠入情网之后,他有了两个可爱的继子梅根(斯嘉丽·埃思特维兹 Scarlett Estevez 饰)和迪伦(欧文·瓦卡罗 Owen Vaccaro 饰),从此,布拉德的人生备忘录上又有了新的的目标——成为两个孩子眼中最棒的继父。   然而,一个男人的存在令这个目标看上去遥不可及,那个男人就是萨拉的前夫,孩子们的亲生父亲马龙(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)。这个看上去不修边幅,整日里游手好闲的男人屡屡骚扰着布拉德的生活。虽然马龙看上去是这么的不靠谱,但他的出现却总是能够受到孩子们的热烈欢迎。

Stepfather, Brad Whitaker is hoping for his stepchildren to love him and treat him like a dad. All is going well until the biological father, Dusty Mayron shows up, then everything takes a toll. His stepchildren start putting him second and their father first, and now Dusty will have to learn what being a good dad is about and pains and struggles. Brad will also experience once again what it's like to be a stepdad.


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