警官约翰·荷伯斯(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)新近逮捕了一名杀人犯里斯,此人除了在电刑前说了几句奇怪的语言跟留下了一则暗语,并无特别之处。然而荷伯斯很快发现里斯的暗语指向一名三十年前自杀的警察罗伯·米拉诺。与此同时,几起连锁杀人案接连发生,凶手的手段如出一辙,更令人惊异的是每次的受害者即是上一桩凶案的嫌凶。荷伯斯拜访了罗伯之女格瑞坦,对方劝诫荷伯斯放弃调查。里斯的留言终被破译,原来他用叙利亚的古语言向荷伯斯发出威胁,而荷伯斯的坚持有了进一步的收获,他发现罗伯与近期几宗凶案的死者可能皆出自名为“阿萨索”的恶灵之手,阿萨索可以随意依附人体作恶,荷伯斯的缉凶之路因此而困难重重。这场人与恶灵之战,究竟如何收场?

Det. John Hobbes is convinced that when killer Edgar Reese is executed, all of his troubles are over. But when people he knows and people on the street start to sing the same tune that Reese sang in the gas chamber, and those same people taunt him, he is told that maybe the cursed fallen angel Azazel is behind it all. Azazel is cursed to roam the Earth without a form, and he can switch bodies by any contact, making him hard to track. When Hobbes is forced to kill a man possessed by Azazel, he must clear his name while protecting his family and others from the evil, vengeful Azazel.

也谈Fallen。Time is on my side。影片有一个致命的bug,以及一个没有交代清楚的地方。堕天使的最后一击Fallen Angel Azazel's last hit。人类已经失去了力量。也许大部分人都不喜欢的结局正是我们这个社会无奈的根源。万世不移的人性阴暗。《暂时停止接触》强大又邪恶的邪灵。正义,如此的悲伤。個人電影清單#19.《奪命感應》。

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