蜀山群山之中的昆仑山,掌门孤月大师(张柏芝饰)与徒弟玄天宗(郑伊健饰)相恋,事先预感邪恶的幽泉血魔会进攻昆仑,自知无力抵抗的她,为保天宗性命而借故赶他下山,并将昆仑秘藏武器“日月金轮”交付天宗,而自己则为血魔所杀,昆仑山灵气尽被吸去。   二百年后,邪恶力量再次侵犯正派,峨嵋开山祖师峨嵋真人(洪金宝饰),惟恐此战伤及凡间,乃派大弟子丹辰子(古天乐饰)前往山下疏离凡间正在交战的军队,在途中与程乐天(章子怡饰)、玄天宗相遇,却意外发现血魔的秘密,并因而落入陷阱。在生死之际峨嵋真人率弟子前来救援,玄天宗赫然发现其中一名女弟子李英奇(张柏芝饰),样子竟酷似师傅孤月大师。同时,峨嵋真人发觉中了血魔诡计,一场更为凶险的正邪大战即将展开……

Between the heaven and the Earth exist the Zu's mountain range, where live the immortals of Omei, the highest mountain of Zu, but the kingdom is in danger by Amnesia, a renegade immortal what want to rule Zu and all the world. White Eyebrows, Zu's leader, call to his most experts fighters for to defeat Amnesia until destroy It, but Amnesia hides in the legendary and almost myth Blood Cavern in order to make stronger his powers. While Red, Eyebrows' servant, watches the enter of Blood Cavern, King Sky and the others warriors will try to find a way of exterminate Amnesia with an ancient and powerful mystical swords, hoping to be free of the Amnesia's threat.


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