阿芳(蓝洁瑛 饰)是两个孩子的母亲,这天她却莫名卷入了一起谋杀案。虽然丈夫带着两个孩子四处奔波为她讨回公道,但最终阿芳还是被判了死刑。随后丈夫也抛下两个儿子阿健(黄日华 饰)和阿康(温兆伦 饰)自杀了。云姨虽然只是医院的一名清洁工,收入不多,但不忍心看着两个孩子孤苦伶仃,于是收养了他们,此外云姨还收养了另外两个孤儿,一家五口过着清贫的生活。阿健16岁就为了生计放弃了学业,当了一名出租车司机。阿康十分争气,在大哥的供养下以优异的成绩从香港大学法律系毕业,顺利拿到了律师牌。阿康虽然十分能干,但他为人却十分残忍,为求目标不择手段;而阿健却正好相反,为人十分耿直,在是非面前绝不含糊。两个亲兄弟即将展开一段恩怨情仇!

A mother of two young boys happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a murder took place, and she was sentenced to death, leaving the boys to their father, who committed suicide shortly after. A kind but poor lady adopted the boys as well as two other orphans. Years later the older boy became a bus driver to support the family, and the younger went to college and became a lawyer. The older brother worked hard, made good friends with the daughter from a wealthy family who was born on the same day as him. By this hard working he owned one day his company and became wealthy. But the younger brother mingled with the corrupt son of another wealthy family, and went on to a down road no return. He later damped the girlfriend for another, murdered his adoptive mother when she became an obstacle, his pregnant new girlfriend in order to marry the daughter of the wealthy family. Finally he ruined the life of everyone in his entourage, including that of his own brother...


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